Canada and Denmark, Friends in Curling - Curling Day In Canada

My Favorite Curling Story:
In 2009 as an active member at the Mississaugua Golf and Country Club, and of Danish decent, my name was put forward to become the ambassador for the Danish National Men’s team, ahead of their visit to Toronto, for the Capital One Grand Slam Curling Event.
Successfully chosen, it became my role to help the team in anyway that I could and was proud to represent Canada in this way. Among other things, I was arranging welcome dinners, practice ice, rides to and from games when necessary, chiropractic appointments and to proudly carry the Danish flag at the opening ceremonies. I had the team to our home for dinner, with their families and all in all it was a wonderful experience. I made every attempt to express our wonderful Canadian hospitality to professional curlers away from home!
The team went on to compete in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and I was excited to receive a team jacket, that I still wear to this day.

Several years later I was scheduled to play in a bonspiel for 5 days, in Denmark. Teams from around the world compete in this fun event and I was there to represent on a ladies team from Ontario, Canada. Sadly in my travel, my broom bag including my shoes etc went missing on my connecting flight and I was without equipment leading up to my first game. In Denmark there are only 2 rinks and they do not have anywhere to buy equipment, it is all special ordered to the small country. Luckily I still had the a phone number of a member of the Danish national team. I called him to see if he might remember me. He certainly did, and graciously arranged to have the national women’s team provide me with shoes (throw’s right, correct size) and a broom, delivered to the club where I was playing, in time for my for my first game.
Even better, the team, much to my surprise, drove (from as far as 2 hours away) to watch my first game! Such a small game, compared to what they are used to!
I was very proud to be both Danish and Canadian, and to experience such wonderful relations and support between our two great countries, in the love of curling!

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