Previous stories 2023 Archives - Curling Day In Canada

Previous stories 2023

Pressure Makes Diamonds 

As a kid, I loved the social dynamics of curling. While my peers were playing cops and robbers, my friends and I were setting up rocks around the house, pretending the next throw was to win the Brier. Little did I know that I’d go on to win bronze at the very tournament I grew up dreaming about…  or that…

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Lorna Radke

My love of curling began in 1952. The curling rink is still there! Today, walking into the renovated Meeting Creek, Alberta, community centre gives me so much pleasure. But, there is so much more to visit and see in Meeting Creek, Alberta. The CNR train station remains authentic. And the grain elevators still remain! Curling is still engraved in my…

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To The Bar

One of my best curling stories was years ago and the first year that my son started curling with me. It was the 5th end in a bonspiel and we were down about 7 to 1. The other team had hammer and it was our last shot. They had 5 in the house and we had one lone rock in…

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We Have A Blast

My sister and I have a blast every game and event we attend. The venue is always fantastic and everyone is friendly and we enjoy ourselves to the fullest. From all the laughs to meeting new friends in the stands then meeting the players during autographs and the patch is an experience we talk about all the time. My sister…

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Napanee Curling Club

A founding member of The Napanee Curling Club, a lovely gentleman now over 90 years old, just this year had to give up curling. He is missed in the club, because he is its history, having served, during the course of the club’s over 60-year existence, in one capacity or another – from icemaker to almost every board position, to…

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Hurry Hard

My Uncle Jim told me all about chest hair and how to get it. This involved a diet of fresh fruit, as well as telling the truth whenever a lie was dangerously close to the tip of my tongue. I spent a lot of time on my Uncle Jim and Auntie Donna’s farm. When you turn off the highway and…

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