Love Blooms At The Curling Club Thanks To A Broken Tooth - Curling Day In Canada

When I was a senior in high school, I met my husband at a local curling club. I’d seen the cute boy at the curling club many times but not actually gotten the nerve to ask him out or spend time together off the ice. We both curled on teams in the junior curling league at one of the local clubs. One Sunday afternoon after we got off the ice he and his friend asked myself and my friend if we wanted to play pool in the lounge area. Excited to spend time with the cute boy I said sure. We played a few games and we were having a great time together and I was hoping he might ask me out. As I began racking up the balls for the next game his friend was rolling the cue ball on the table waiting for the balls to be ready. Just as I was about to finish racking up the balls the cue ball his friend was rolling hit the triangle and went flying through the air hitting me smack in the mouth and breaking off a piece of my front tooth! The cute boy immediately said come home with me my dad’s a dentist and can fix your tooth. I thought what a convenient pickup line! True to his word he drove me to his house to meet his dad. He and his dad took me to his dads dental office that Sunday afternoon and his dad rebuilt my front tooth while he stayed by me. His dad refused to accept any money for the work and that’s when I knew I had a keeper of a guy – cute and access to free dental care (lol!)! Later that night he asked me out on a date which of course I said yes and the rest as they say is history! We’ve been together 29 years now, curling brought us together as juniors and continues to keep us together through our common love of the game. We’ve travelled to many curling events, been fortunate to play and coach at national events over the years and now we are passing on our love of the sport to our daughter. Who knew that so many years ago as a junior curler in a small town curling club I would be lucky enough to meet the love of my life ❤️

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