One day I was asked if I would like to play in the 7th Annual Curling Bonspiel in Saskatoon. I was honoured and so very nervous to play as it had been years since I’d had a rock in my hand. Trying to look as confident as possible, I stepped out onto the ice and from then on everything went a little fuzzy….
…with the game in full swing, it was my turn. I was not sure what was going to happen. I just thought that I’d throw the rock as hard as I could and maybe I’d get lucky. I blasted out of the hack with lightning speed, sending my rock flying down the ice towards the pile of stones. My yellow stone collided with the first red rocks and then exploded into the other red rocks…it was a quadruple takeout! A quadruple takeout that took everyone by surprise. My team, and the bystanders, who witnessed the amazing shot were all in shock! No one else in the world can make a quadruple takeout like that, only me! It was truly amazing! I felt that It was all up to me to get a gold medal for Canada…
…it was then that I started to regain consciousness. When I had stepped out onto the ice I had slipped and hit my head. My fabulous play was just that…in my head. I must have been dreaming that I was Kevin Koe!
In the end, my team did great and we won “B” Side Winner. All I can say is that I was not invited to play in the 8th Annual Curling Bonspiel. LOL
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