Suit up on ice! - Curling Day In Canada


Last year, my team wanted to compete in the TCA Goldline Bonspiel in Toronto. It turns out that on the day of the finals, I had a wedding to shoot. But my teammates said, don’t worry, we won’t make it to the finals. And you know what, it turned out that we made it to the D-final! The plan was to play with just 3 players. It just so happened that the wedding venue was only 20 mins from the curling club. So I decided to go there to cheer on my team for good luck. Right before they went on ice, one of the bonspiel organizers informed us of a rule that, during the final round, a team would have to start the game with 4 players or otherwise be disqualified. Our opponents didn’t really care either way, but the organizers were insistent. So we asked them if it was okay for me to throw my first two 2 rocks and leave after the first end. The organizers agreed it was within the rules. So I ended up going onto the ice wearing a full suit and dress shoes and strapped on a slider to throw my two stones. I left for the wedding after. Our team ended up winning!


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